Personal Information Collection Statement

This personal information collection statement should be read together with the privacy policy statement.

When you browse this website, we make a record of the pages you visit. Only your domain name, IP address and the pages you have visited but no personally identifiable information will be recorded. We will only use this information for conducting and publishing statistical and data analysis.

When registering as a user of this website, subscribing to periodical updates, or changing your personal information held by us, you will be required to provide personal information. Mandatory information requirements are denoted by asterisks and you will be prompted when submitting a form if mandatory data has not been completed. The information is essential for us to be able to identify accurately who is using the service. Without such data we may be unable to provide the service or respond to your requests.

When making a reservation for services provided by RDY Golf, you will be required to provide personal information. Mandatory information requirements are denoted by asterisks and you will be prompted when submitting a form if mandatory data has not been completed. The information is essential for us to be able to identify accurately who is using the service. Without such data we may be unable to process your application or provide the service requested.

We do not sell, trade or disclose to any third party any personal information you provided unless we have been authorized by you or are required by the law. This is however without prejudice to our rights to disclose your personal information to other government departments or appropriate third parties if we are required to do so by law or we believe that such action is necessary:

(a) to protect our rights and properties in relation to this website and other users of this website;

(b) to comply with legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order;

(c) to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of this website or any services we provide in relation to the Fund; or

(d) during emergencies, such as when somebody's safety is at risk.

You have the right to access and correct your personal information collected in this website. You may contact us at to access or update your personal information. If necessary, we may ask you to provide details for verification of updated information.

If you have any question about this personal information collection statement, please contact us by email at

This personal information collection statement is subject to change. Any change will be posted on this webpage.