Booking is easy, just like a par 3

Booking Your Golf Simulator Session

Welcome to our golf simulator room! Booking your session is quick and easy:

  1. Choose Your Time Slot: Browse available time slots and select the one that suits you best. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, we’ve got you covered.
  2. Confirm and Pay: Once you’ve made your selection, confirm your booking and proceed to payment. We accept various payment methods for your convenience.
  3. Get Ready to Swing: We will send you the door access code via email 15 mins prior to start time.  Whether you are bringing your clubs or just use our house set,  just get ready to tee off!🏌️
  • 1st hour | HKD 250

    [Just wanna have a swing]
  • Every 30 minutes after 1st hours | HKD 110

    [Let the party begin]